Friday, 30 May 2014

You Need This In Your Life...Bobble Bottles

I told you I would get back to these and I had to do it soon! When a friend of mine got one of these in sixth form we all mocked her for how ridiculous something such as a water bottle with a carbon filter was. However, I had never actually tried the water from these, and how I wish I had back then.
When my friends Will and Heather recently bought some they raved to me about them and made me try the water. Oh my; I think my exact words were 'It's like drinking from a fresh spring!'. I don't even care how sad or ridiculous that sounds.
The water from these things is SO GOOD. I do not think that I have ever drunk so much water in my entire life (or subsequently had to pee so much...)
Aside from just now drinking copious amounts of water, there are of course a lot of health benefits here. I have noticed that just within a week my skin has become a lot clearer and generally just looks that little bit better. Some people have also spoken of now sleeping better and generally feeling a lot better within themselves.

You can get the bottles from Tesco for £8 here plus filters when need be. (The bottle itself you don't need to replace, but the filters you need to around every 2 months.) If you read my previous post, you'll know that I have the pink one! I have my sights set on the blue next :)

Join the Bobble club and get one today!

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Mid-Exam Blues

I wouldn't necessarily say that I am blue, but everyone at the moment is definitely feeling the pressure of exam season in its near-peak. With one exam down, and two to go, I am most definitely on the countdown for them to be over (two weeks yesterday at 5 and I am freeeee!).
With that aside, I thought during my break of incessant note making that I would share some things that have recently been getting me through the stress and boredom of revision, and also a list of things that I will most definitely be doing when I am finished.
If you have already finished your exams (or don't have any), please spare some thought for those of us who are students. Possibly send us some puppies and snacks as well.
  • This video which has been made to The Black Keys - Gotta Get Away will definitely lift some spirits; not to mention the song is great!
  • This post. The 50 Cutest Things That Have Ever Happened. Prepare to taste heaven. 
  • Bobble Bottles. More to come on this bad boy later, but trust me, you need one. (I have the pink, just sayin'). 
  • The Simpsons Tapped Out. Now, beware, this is addictive and I would only suggest it for those with copious amounts of self control; it is basically the Sims but with The Simpsons, or as I call it, The Simmpsons. You heard that here first. 
If you're still not feeling motivated or would just like some more happy thoughts, here are some things that I am counting down the days to do!
  1. Sleep in until whenever. No more getting up at 8 o'clock to start work!
  2. Watch stupid amounts of television (currently it's re-watching Friends and Gossip Girl...) without feeling any guilt at all about not working. 
  3. Go for a celebratory meal with mes amies and a tipple that won't have to be cheeky!
  4. Pimms. 'Nuff said. 
  5. Buying celebratory hoards(hords? hordes?) of Nars and Mac make-up as a treat to myself with Emily. My eyes are most definitely set and locked on Nars Sheer Glow and a Mac 266 Angled Brush. 
I hope that if you are mid-exam season that this has perked you up a little bit! (It certainly perked me up a bit; Immanuel Kant definitely needed blogging back in those days.) I wish you all good luckkkk! If you're not doing exams, you luckylucky people, I hope you just enjoyed this little post!
(I also apologise for the lack of posts recently...revision is my life right now. If that already wasn't clear...)

Happy working!

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

The Promise of Happiness - Justin Cartwright | Book Review

This was a book I picked up in a little charity shop round the corner from me at uni and am I glad I did! It starts off quite strange, with a main protagonatist peeing in a graveyard and this did set me off thinking that maybe this was going to be a bloody weird book.
However it has become one of my definite favourite books. It follows a family of five, who have been split up and spread all over the world for various reasons; the middle daughter in a questionable job and relationship in London, the youngest son becoming a millionaire in the States and the eldest daughter just coming out of prison for a crime she didn't technically commit and the loving Mother and distant Father is their resultant home in Devon. Don't worry, none of this is a spoiler!Cartwright portrayed the family soso well that you could really see them as being in existence and as really struggling with all of their problems and laughing through all of their good times.
His writing is also absolutely wonderful. Some of his sentences read just like poetry and give such a lovely, sentimental touch to the book, that I couldn't help keep on reading and reading through the chapters.

This was a truly great little read and would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys a fairly heary-warming familial tale. I'm not going to lie, I also found the characters pretty inspiring, especially the beloved eldest daughter JuJu.

Next Up: Before I Met You - Lisa Jewel

Would you read this powerful work?

Monday, 12 May 2014

Beauty Expirary Dates

I'm pretty sure that in this day and age, nearly every single thing even slightly perishable thing has an expirary date, and beauty and cosmetic products are no exception!
It wasn't until very recently that I actually found out what the expirary symbol on beauty products was, and ever since then, I have been acutely aware of how long everything lasts. The symbol itself is the little pot with the lid off on the back of products; the number under the lid is the amount of months that something is meant or at least designed  to last. Now I am by no means saying that 6 months from the date you bought the product, it's gotta go. Most people who own any sort of make up will probably keep it until it either runs out, or it has been so long that it has, gone off. What I'm suggesting more is that these should be used as a guide as to how maybe how long you should use a product for.
And of course, if you have sensistive skin, or problematic skin, maybe keep a keener eye out on how long you've had products for. Wetter products such as foundations, concealers etc are more likely to not last past the expirary simply because of what they are, liquids. More powder based products, such as eyeshadows, tend to last longer but let's face it, if you use up an ENTIRE eyeshadow in 6 months, you're probably using it wrong. Mascaras generally tend to dry up sooner than the date and it's quite obvious when the dry, clumpy wand needs binning.
A lot of people are however unaware of the dates, and so I hope that this has been a little insight into the more 'sciencey' side of make up!

I apologise ever so much for the out of focus mascara...flash + super macro = dying camera

The average length of time seems to be:
  • Lip balm - 12 months
  • Mascara - 6 months
  • Eyeshadow - Anything from 3 - 24 months
  • Lip gloss - 3-6 months
  • Lip stick - Probably thr longest lasting at up to 30 months
  • Foundation (and similar products) - 18 months
  • Moisturisers (and similar products) - 12 months
  • Cleansing Waters (and similar products) - 6 months
I hope that you found this helpful and as strangely interesting as me!

Disclaimer: I am not a make up artist or anything similar at all, I merely have an avid interest in make up and have done various research into this. I am by no means stating all of this as true and exact, merely what I have found.