Thursday, 10 March 2016

On Blogging

After reading this post on Hannah Gale's website, and this blog in general, I really came to terms with the fact that blogging has really changed since I first started.
When I first started, blogging as a whole, Youtube as well, was still pretty much a hobby for most people. All of my favourites blogs had not yet become the worldwide successes that they now are. And don't get me wrong, I'm really happy for those people. But things like that kind of have a dampening effect on the blogging world for those who are still just doing it for fun and as some sort of creative outlet.
So I had become very disillusioned with the whole of the blogging world. (Which let's face it, loads of people have said and probably more than once).

But since finding blogs such as Design For Mankind, I have really started to appreciate the art of writing again, and blogging. And I don't just mean blogging to review something, or to share a new beauty deal. But blogging to share something a bit, heavier. 
I have for a long time aspired to write semi-autobiographical essays/books and I think that is the kind of route that I wish to take with The Kazlight Anthem. At the end of the day, it has Anthem in its name, and so really it should be a Anthem to me and what I'm doing and everything I want to share.

I think that I have started to find more the kind of style and just, way, of doing things that I want to do. I wanted to write about myself, but in a way that not only engaged readers, but also was kind of cathartic for me. I wanted to write in a way that not only covers the kind of things I always wrote about anyway, but things as well that maybe weren't just about going somewhere new, or buying a new lipstick.
Maybe it was just that suddenly I wanted to be a bit more selfish with what I was actually sharing, and wanted my blog to become a kind of place for me to work through a lot of things.
Essentially, I didn't want to get stuck in the world of blogging as how I'd seen it become, so much that I couldn't break free from that and blog in my own way.
Hopefully that's what will be happening here more. But don't worry, it will still be me, just probably a bit more me than maybe you'd be used to.


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