Monday, 21 March 2016

On Sulphate Free Hair

Haircare is generally one of those things where we find a particular set of products that we like and stick to them, without then ever questioning what is actually in them and what we are putting onto our hair.
I hadn't been having any particular problems with my hair other than it was slightly frizzy at the ends and just looking a bit lacklustre. Then one of my friends started looking into sulphate free shampoo and conditioner (she has curly hair so does have very different hair needs!). I started researching into why you should use sulphate free hair products in order to help her find some good ones, that were also not too expensive (and available in the UK!)

We came across OGX that have a fairly big range of products. Most of which are not only sulphate free, but also paraben free.
Essentially, sulphates are detergent like agents put into shampoos and conditioners in order to hlep the lathering process. However they can mean that your hair loses a lot of its natural moisture as it washes it away. By then removing the sulphates, your hair can far better retain moisture. This then also means that chances of having an irritated or inflamed scalp are far less! This is also helped by the fact that your scalp is not absorbing any nasty chemicals, meaning that your hair can in fact grow better. It can also retain its natural oils (that it needs!) far better. Leaving for much healthier hair.
If you also have coloured hair, then these can help your hair to retain the new colour much better.

I tried the Kukui Oil shampoo and conditioner. They are infused with Kukui nut oil (Hawaiian apparently) and smell so good. You need hardly any of either and despite not having standard lathering agents, it still lathers pretty well! I was at first concerned that my hair was not actually going to be clean, but in fact it feels soso clean.
Not only that but it smells great, is really shiny, not at all frizzy, feels really nice and no longer looks dull! I also find that it is then much easier to brush after having washed it, which with my hair is saying something! 

I never thought that considering something such as whether or not my hair care products have sulphates in or not would make such a difference, but I am definitely not going back now!
You can check out the OGX range here.

Would you try sulphate free?

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